Logo der laif Genossenschaft

der fotograf:innen

Become a member

This is how it works: You enter your data in the form and send us your signed declaration of membership by postal mail.

If you want to join, you pay a one-time contribution of at least 1,000 Euros (that is ten shares of 100 Euros each). This contribution can be increased in steps of 100 Euros. Payment by instalments is possible.

Become part of the laif cooperative!

As a new member, you will find the exhibition newspaper „40 years of laif“ in your mail in the next few days and then, every year in the run-up to Christmas, an exciting annual gift in the form of a signed print, a book or similar from laif photographers.

1. Declaration of accession

Please fill in the declaration of accession to the cooperative and define how many shares you wish to subscribe.

1 share= 100 Euro

Minimum investment:
1000 Euro (10 shares of 100 Euro each)

2. Postal mail

Please send the form by postal mail (required by law) to us:

laif Genossenschaft e.G.
Kurfürstenstrasse 10
50678 Cologne

3. Transfer shares

Please transfer the total amount immediately or the first instalment to the account of the laif Genossenschaft e.G.

Volksbank Köln Bonn eG
DE33 3806 0186 4958 0480 12

4. Congratulations

Welcome to the laif cooperative.

We will provide you with all the important information about membership in our cooperative.

here we go:

1. Declaration of accession

Please fill in the declaration of accession to the cooperative and define how many shares you wish to subscribe.

1 share= 100 Euro

Minimum investment:
1000 Euro (10 shares of 100 Euro each)

2. Postal mail

Please send the form by postal mail (required by law) to us:

laif Genossenschaft e.G.
Kurfürstenstrasse 10
50678 Cologne

3. Transfer shares

Please transfer the total amount or the first instalment immediately to the account of the laif Genossenschaft e.G.

Volksbank Köln Bonn eG
DE33 3806 0186 4958 0480 12

4. Congratulations

Welcome to the laif cooperative.

We will provide you with all the important information about membership in our cooperative.

here we go: